Budget Planning

The Superintendent of Schools, with the assistance of the Business Manager, shall be responsible for the preparation of the budget. This shall include developing a budget calendar in accordance with the Budget Planning Regulation, and adhering to that calendar. The budget calendar shall be approved by the Board of Trustees in advance of the preparation of the district’s annual budget.


The budget shall be designed to reflect the Board’s objectives for the education of the children of the district. It shall be carefully organized and planned to provide adequate accounting for each program expenditure, understanding of the financial needs of anticipated program developments, and be within the financial limitations of the district.


The budget for the ensuing school year shall be thoroughly reviewed by the Board before its presentation to the voters for final adoption.



Ref:     Education Law §§1608(2)-(4); 2002(1); 2003(1); 2004(1); 2022(2); 2601-a

Fiscal Management (NYSSBA, 1997)



Adoption date:           August 21, 2013

Budget Transfers

The transfer of funds between and within functional unit appropriations of the General Fund is commonly required during the school year. The Superintendent of Schools, based on the recommendation of the Business Manager, is authorized to make budget transfers, not to exceed $25,000.00 between line item accounts. The Superintendent of Schools will present all transfers in excess of $25,000.00 to the Board at its next regular meeting for approval.


Each time the Superintendent of Schools approves a transfer of funds, such transfer will be reviewed by the Board at its next regular meeting.



Ref:     Education Law §1718

8 NYCRR §170.2(1)



Adoption date:           August 21, 2013

Busing Policy

The Wainscott Common School District is concerned about the safety and wellbeing of all students as they are transported to and from the School to attend classes. At the end of the school day, students who are returned to their respective homes (or to the homes of other students, when such permission is granted by the parents) via school bus are to be met at the driveway of the home by a parent or other designated individual. Students are not permitted to exit the bus unless met by an adult who has permission to escort the child from the bus; exceptions to this rule may be made on an individual basis, with full consideration of the request and circumstances surrounding that request, and the parent’s absolving the District of any responsibility in granting such a request.


If a parent or other designated individual is not present to meet the bus at student drop-off time, the student will be returned to the School at the end of the bus run, after all other students have been returned home. Acknowledging the burden that this places on school staff who must tend to the child(ren) while awaiting the arrival of a parent or designated individual, the following procedure will be in place:


First offense of the semester (September 1-January 31 / February 1 – June 30)

Warning is issued


Second offense of the semester

Student is denied bus transportation for two (2) school days


Third offense of the semester

Student is denied bus transportation for five (5) school days

Child Protective Services is notified of neglect


The Board of Trustees will consider compensation for staff who must stay beyond their contractual work day.

Dignity For All Students


The Dignity for all Students Act was signed into law on September 13, 2010 and takes effect on July 1, 2012; this Act amended Section 801-a of New York State Education Law regarding instruction in civility, citizenship, and character education by expanding the concepts of tolerance, respect for others and dignity to include: an awareness and sensitivity in the relations of people, including but not limited to, different races, weights, national origins, ethnic groups, religions, religious practices, mental or physical abilities, sexual orientations, gender identity or expressions, and sexes. The Dignity Act further amended Section 2801 of the Education Law by requiring Boards of Education to include language addressing the Dignity Act in their codes of conduct.
Harassment and Bullying are now defined as:
The creation of a hostile environment by conduct or by …threats, intimidation or abuse,
including cyberbullying, that (a) has or would have the effect of unreasonably and
substantially interfering with a student’s educational performance, opportunities
or benefits, or mental, emotional or physical well-being; or …(b) reasonably causes
or would reasonably be expected to cause a student to fear for his or her physical
safety; …or…(c) reasonably causes or would reasonably be expected to cause
physical injury or emotional harm to a student; or (d) occurs off school property
and creates or would foreseeable create risk of substantial disruption within the
school environment, where it is foreseeable that the conduct, threats, intimidation,
or abuse might reach school property. Acts of harassment and bullying shall include,
but not be limited t, to those acts based on a person’s actual or perceived race,
color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, disability,
sexual orientation, gender or sex. For the purposes of this definition the term
“threats intimidation or abuse” shall include verbal and nonverbal actions. (Education Law §11(7))

The Board of Trustees of the Wainscott Common School District wholeheartedly endorses the Dignity Act without any reservation whatsoever. For many years predating the Dignity Act, Character Education has played an important role in the daily fabric of Wainscott School life including, but not limited to:
• Word of the week
• Citizen of the week
• Relevant books read during read-aloud
• Follow-up group activities
• Plays
• Manners discussed and reinforced daily, including in the lunchroom and during recess
• Groups with the school psychologist
• Guest speakers
• Ethical use of technology and awareness of cyberbullying
Character Education shall be conducted by, but not limited to, the K-1 and 2-3 teachers and the School Psychologist. Pursuant to the Commissioner’s Regulations §801-a, (8 NYCRR 100.2(c)(2))such education shall include “awareness and sensitivity to discrimination or harassment in civility in the relations of people of different races, weights, national origins, ethnic groups, religions, religious practices, mental or physical abilities, sexual orientations, genders and sexes”.
The Wainscott Common School District shall create policies addressing the following:
 Creating a school environment that is free from discrimination or harassment
 Creating guidelines to be used in school training programs to discourage the development of discrimination or harassment, designed to raise the awareness and sensitivity of school employees to potential discrimination or harassment and to enable employees to prevent and respond to discrimination or harassment
 Creating guidelines relating to the development of nondiscriminatory instructional and counseling methods, and requiring that at least one staff member be thoroughly trained to handle human relations in the areas of race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practices, disability, sexual orientation, gender and sex.

The district’s Code of Conduct shall be amended to include:
 an age-appropriate version of the policy;
 provisions prohibiting discrimination and harassment against any student, by employees or students on school property or at a school function.
 provisions for responding to acts of discrimination and harassment against students by employees or students on school property
 a bill of rights and responsibilities of students which focuses upon positive student behavior and a safe and supportive school climate.
The Wainscott School District shall provide a DASA training program for employees which raises awareness to potential acts of discrimination and/or harassment and train employees how to respond to incidents of discrimination and/or harassment (8 NYCRR 100.2(jj)).

At the District’s Reorganization Meeting in July, or as soon as practicable thereafter, the District shall appoint a Dignity Act Coordinator who shall be trained to handle human relations in the areas of race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, disability, sexual orientation, gender and sex.
The Wainscott School District shall submit an annual report to the New York State Education Department “in a manner prescribed by the Commissioner, on or before the basic educational data system (BEDS) reporting deadline”. All data requested by the NYSED shall be submitted in a timely fashion by the Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee.
 Parents and students may make an oral or written report of harassment, bullying or discrimination to teachers, administrators, and other school personnel that the school district deems appropriate.
 School employees who witness harassment, bullying or discrimination, or receive an oral or written report of harassment, bullying or discrimination must promptly orally notify the Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee no later than one school day after such employee witnesses or receives a report of harassment, bullying or discrimination, and file a written report to the Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee not later than two school days after making such oral report.
 The Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee must lead or supervise a thorough investigation of all reports of harassment, bullying or discrimination and to ensure that such investigation is completed promptly after receipt of any written reports made pursuant to this policy.
 The school, when an investigation reveals any such verified harassment, bullying or discrimination, must take prompt actions reasonably calculated to end the harassment, bullying or discrimination, eliminate any hostile environment, create a more positive school culture and climate, prevent recurrence of the behavior, and ensure the safety of the student or students against whom such harassment, bullying or discrimination was directed.
 The school shall prohibit retaliation against any individual who, in good faith, reports, or assists, in the investigation of harassment, bullying or discrimination.
 The Superintendent of Schools shall make a regular report on data and trends related to harassment, bullying and discrimination to the Board of Trustees.
 The school shall, at least once during each school year, provide all school employees, students and parents with a written or electronic copy of the school district’s policies created pursuant to the Dignity for All Students Act, or of a plain-language summary thereof, including notification of the process by which students, parents and school employees may report harassment, bullying and discrimination.

The school is required to develop guidelines to be used in school training programs to discourage the development of harassment, bullying and discrimination and to make employees aware of the effects of harassment, bullying, cyberbullying and discrimination on students that are designed:
a. to raise the awareness and sensitivity of school employees to potential harassment, bullying and discrimination, and
b. to enable employees to prevent and respond to harassment, bullying and discrimination.
The school shall also develop guidelines relating to the development of measured, balanced and age-appropriate responses to instances of harassment, bullying or discrimination by students, with remedies and procedures following a progressive model that make appropriate use of intervention, discipline and education vary in method according to the nature of the behavior, the developmental age of the student and the student’s history of problem behaviors, and are consistent with the district’s code of conduct. In addition, training shall be required to address the social patterns of harassment, bullying and discrimination, including but not limited to those acts based on a person’s actual or perceived race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, disability, sexual orientation, gender or sex, the identification and mitigation of harassment, bullying and discrimination, and strategies for effectively addressing problems of exclusion, bias and aggression in educational settings (Education Law §13(2)-(3)).


Sex Discrimination and Sexual Harassment


Wainscott Common School District believes in the dignity of the individual and recognizes the rights of all people to equal employment opportunities in the workplace. In this regard, Wainscott Common School District is committed to a policy of protecting and safeguarding the rights and opportunities of all people to seek, obtain and hold employment without subjugation to sexual harassment or discrimination of any kind in the workplace. It is Wainscott Common School District’s policy to provide an employment environment free from unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct or communications which have the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment.

A. Scope of Policy. This policy applies to all Wainscott Common School District employees and all personnel in a contractual or other business relationship with Wainscott Common School District including for example, applicants, temporary or leased employees, independent contractors, vendors, consultants, volunteers, and visitors. Depending on the extent of Wainscott Common School District’s exercise of control, this Policy may be applied to the conduct of non-employees with respect to sexual harassment and/or sex discrimination of Wainscott Common School District employees in the workplace. The Policy applies with equal force on District property as it does at District-sponsored events, programs, and activities which take place off District premises.
B. Policy Objectives By adopting and publishing this Policy, it is the intention of the Wainscott Board of Education to:

(1) notify employees about the types of conduct which constitute sex discrimination or sexual harassment based on gender or sexual orientation prohibited by this Policy;
(2) inform employees about the complaint procedures established by the District which enable any employee who believes (s)he is the victim of sex discrimination or sexual harassment to submit a complaint which will be investigated by the District;
(3) clearly advise all supervisory staff, administrators, and employees that discriminatory treatment based on sex, sexual orientation, or sexual harassment of employees is strictly prohibited and no such person possesses the authority to harass or discriminate; and
(4) notify all employees that the District has appointed Compliance Officers for each District building who are specifically designated to receive complaints of discrimination based on sex or sexual harassment and ensure compliance with this Policy.

NOTE: The names and office location of each Compliance Officer designated to receive and investigate for the 2005-2006 school year are listed below at the end of this Policy (Section 10). The name and office location of each new Compliance Officer designated to receive and investigate complaints in subsequent years will be listed in the Policy & Procedure Manual.


“Prohibited Discrimination of Employees” Prohibited discrimination of employees can take the form of any negative treatment of an employee, by either a District employee or official, or a third party engaged in school-sponsored activities which: (a) negatively impacts a employee’s employment opportunities and/or employment benefits; and (b) is based upon the employee’s sex or sexual orientation. Prohibited discrimination of employees can also take the form of harassment even where there is no tangible impact upon the employee’s employment opportunities and/or employment benefits. The phrase “prohibited discrimination” as used in this Policy includes all forms of “prohibited harassment” (defined below)

“Sexual Harassment” Sexual harassment is prohibited including, but not limited to inappropriate forms of behavior described by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission as follows:

(1) Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment;
(2) Submission to, or rejection of, such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting such individual (e.g., promotion, transfer, demotion, termination); or
(3) Such gender-based conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance, or of creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment.

Specific forms of behavior that Wainscott Common School District considers sexual harassment are set forth below. Every conceivable example cannot be delineated herein, and thus the descriptions below should not be interpreted in any way as being all-inclusive.

Verbal: Abusive verbal language including jokes, comments, teasing or threats related to an employee’s sex, sexual activity, sexual orientation and/or body parts whether or not said in that person’s presence including, but not limited to: sexual innuendos; slurs; suggestive, derogatory, or insulting comments or sounds; whistling; jokes of a sexual nature; sexual propositions; threats; comments on a person’s appearance that makes the person feel uncomfortable because of his or her sex or sexual orientation; continuing to ask someone for dates or to meet after work after the person has made it clear that he or she does not want to go; sexually-oriented comments about an employee’s anatomy that are unwelcome, unreasonably interfere with an employee’s work performance, or create an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment; and unwelcome sexual advances or demands for sexual favors.

Nonverbal: Abusive written language showing or displaying pornographic or sexually explicit objects or pictures; graphic commentaries; luring or obscene gestures in the workplace; staring at a person’s body in a sexually suggestive manner; sexually-related gestures or motions; sending sexually graphic material through the District e-mail system or other electronic communication devices (e.g., voice mail) or using the District’s mail or computers to view such material.

Physical: Unwelcome physical conduct, including but not limited to: petting, pinching, grabbing, holding, hugging, kissing, tickling, massaging, displaying private body parts, coerced sexual intercourse, assault, persistent brushing up against a person’s body, unnecessary touching and flashing or other unwelcome physical conduct.

While a single incident of these types of behavior may not create a hostile working environment, if such behavior is severe, persistent or pervasive, or if submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of employment or receipt of employment benefits, such conduct constitutes prohibited sexual harassment.


As with discrimination involving race, color, creed, religion, national,origin,disability, political affiliation, age, arrest record, and veteran or marital status, Wainscott Common School District prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, or sexual orientation and will not tolerate any form of sexual harassment. Wainscott Common School District will take all steps necessary to prevent and stop the occurrence of sexual harassment and/or sex discrimination in the workplace.

While the overwhelming majority of unlawful sexual harassment is directed at women by men, the law equally protects men from sexual harassment by women, and same-sex sexual harassment.

All employees, including but not limited to, Wainscott Common School District officials and supervisory personnel, are responsible for ensuring a work environment free from sexual harassment and sex discrimination. All employees will be held responsible and accountable for avoiding or eliminating inappropriate conduct that may give rise to a claim of sexual harassment or sex discrimination. Employees are encouraged to report violations to one of the Compliance Officers listed in Section 10 of this Policy, in accordance with the Complaint Procedure set forth in this Policy. Officials and supervisors must take immediate and appropriate corrective action when instances of sexual harassment and/or sex discrimination come to their attention to assure compliance with this Policy.

Each employee is assured pursuant to Section 6 of this Policy, that retaliation against an individual who makes a complaint or report under this Policy is absolutely prohibited and constitutes, in and of itself, a violation of this Policy.

Any questions regarding the scope or application of this Policy should be directed to one of the Compliance Officers listed in Section 10 of this Policy.


A. Complaint Procedure for Employees

1. Notification Procedure Prompt reporting of complaints or concerns is encouraged so that timely and constructive action can be taken before relationships become strained. Reporting of all perceived incidents of sexual harassment and/or sex discrimination is encouraged, regardless of the offender’s identity or position. An employee or other individual who feels aggrieved because of sexual harassment or sex discrimination has several ways to make his or her concerns known:

(a) An aggrieved person who feels comfortable doing so should directly inform the person(s) engaging in the harassment or discrimination that such conduct or communication is offensive and must stop.

NOTE: Confronting the offender is NOT required. All employees have the right to file a good faith complaint without first communicating with the offender.

(b) An aggrieved person who does not wish to communicate directly with the individual whose conduct or communication is offensive, or if direct communication with the offending party has been unavailing, shall contact his or her supervisor or a Compliance Officer listed in section 10 of this Policy, or a Building Principal, or the Superintendent of Schools.
(c) An aggrieved person alleging sexual harassment or discrimination by anyone with supervisory authority, or alleging failure of supervision to take immediate action on the individual’s complaint, shall contact one of the Compliance officers, a Building Principal, or the Superintendent of Schools.
(d) An aggrieved person who is a member of a collective bargaining unit, may also be entitled to file a grievance through the collective bargaining grievance procedure depending on the particular terms of the governing collective bargaining agreement. Such filing may not, in all cases, trigger an investigation pursuant to this Policy. Consequently, aggrieved persons are encouraged to simultaneously utilize the Complaint Procedure set forth herein, where appropriate.
2. Making a Complaint All complaints should be in writing. All employees are encouraged to use the District’s “Complaint of Alleged Discrimination” form. A copy of this form is attached to this Policy. Additional complaint forms can be obtained from any Principal’s office within the District, or from a Compliance Officer, with no questions asked. Because an accurate record of the allegedly objectionable behavior is necessary to resolve a complaint of prohibited discrimination, all complaints should be reduced to writing. If an employee has any questions or difficulty filling out the complaint form, (s)he can obtain assistance from any one of the Compliance Officers or a Principal. All complaints should include: the name of the complaining party, the name of the alleged offender(s), date of the incident(s), description of the incident(s), names of witnesses to the incident(s) and the signature of the complaining party.

Once the complaining party has completed and dated a complaint, with or without the assistance of one of the District’s Compliance Officers or Principals, the written complaint should be personally delivered to one of the District’s Compliance Officers or Principals or placed in their mailbox.

If for any reason an employee is uncomfortable submitting a written complaint to the Principal or Compliance Officer located in the building where the employee is generally assigned, the written complaint may be submitted, either by hand delivery or mail, to any one of the Compliance Officers listed in Section 10 below, to any Building Principal, or to the Superintendent of Schools who will then advise a Compliance Officer.

Complainants are expected to cooperate with the District’s investigation procedures by providing al relevant information relating to the complaint, as are other supervisory and non-supervisory employees having relevant or related knowledge or information.

B. Time for Reporting a Complaint Prompt reporting of all complaints is strongly encouraged. All employees should be aware that appropriate resolution of discrimination complaints and effective remedial action oftentimes is possible only when complaints are promptly filed. Furthermore, complaining parties should be aware that statutes of limitations may constrain the time period for instituting legal actions outside of this Policy.

C. Confidentiality and Privacy In recognition of the personal nature of discrimination complaint and the emotional impact of alleged discrimination, the District shall keep complaints as confidential as is consistent with a thorough investigation, applicable collective bargaining agreements, and other laws and regulations regarding employees. For the protection of all individuals who make complaints or are accused of prohibited discrimination, every witness interviewed during an investigation under this Policy will be advised of the confidentiality requirement and instructed not to discuss the complaint, the investigation, or the persons involved. To the extent complaints made under this Policy implicate criminal conduct, the District may be required by law to contact and cooperate with the appropriate law enforcement authorities.

D. Acknowledgment of Complaints Upon receipt of a written complaint, the Compliance Officer, Building Principal, or Superintendent of School should endeavor to contact promptly the complainant to confirm that the written complaint has been received. If the complainant does not receive such confirmation promptly, (s)he is encouraged to file a second written complaint or contact a Compliance Officer, Principal, or Superintendent. The purpose of this acknowledgement procedure is to ensure that all written complaints are received by authorized individuals, carefully processed and promptly investigated.


A. Timing of Investigations The District will promptly investigate all allegations of sex discrimination and sexual harassment. The District will also attempt to complete investigations under this Policy promptly. The length of the investigation will depend upon the complexity and particular circumstances of each complaint.

B. Method of Investigation Investigations will be conducted by the District’s Compliance Officers, the District’s legal counsel, and/or other impartial persons designated by the Superintendent of Schools. The primary purposes of all investigations under this Policy will be to determine:

(1) Did the conduct complained of occur?
(2) Did the conduct complained of violate this Policy?; and
(3) What remedial or preventative steps, if any, are recommended?

Investigations may include: fact-finding interviews, document review, depositions, observations, or other reasonable methods. The District’s investigators should pursue reasonable steps to investigate each complaint in a thorough and comprehensive manner. Any notes, memoranda, or other records created by the District employees or agents conducting an investigation under this Policy shall be deemed confidential and privileged to the extent allowed by law.

C. Notification to Complaining Party and the Accused Party The Superintendent or his or her designee, shall notify the complainant of the outcome of the investigation promptly. Such notification shall be in writing, include a brief summary of the factual findings and, wherever possible, shall include a summary of any remedial measures that have been or will be taken by the District.

While reasonable efforts will be made to inform the complaining party about the outcome of investigations, the District will nonetheless consider the privacy rights of all parties involved in disseminating information obtained during and through the investigation.
The Superintendent or his or her designee, shall promptly notify the person accused of violating this Policy whether a violation of this Policy was found and what remedial measures, if any, will be taken by the District.

D. Remedial Measures The Wainscott Common School District’s primary goal in responding to complaints of prohibited discrimination under this Policy is prevention. This Policy is intended to prevent all forms of sex discrimination and sexual harassment in the District and put an end to any prohibited discrimination that is found to have occurred. While disciplinary action may be appropriate in certain instances, punitive measures are not the exclusive means for responding to prohibited discrimination. During the pendency of any investigation being conducted pursuant to this Policy, remedial measures may be taken if appropriate and necessary.

Any individual who is found to have engaged in prohibited discrimination or conduct which may be prohibited by this Policy, may receive education, training, counseling, warnings, discipline, or other measures designed to prevent future violations of this Policy. Disciplinary action may include: warnings, suspension, or discharge from employment. Any third party found to have engaged in sexual discrimination of an employee may be barred from District property.


Retaliation is strictly prohibited by this Policy and by law against anyone who in good faith reports a suspected violation of this Policy, who assists in making such a complaint, or who cooperates in a harassment or discrimination investigation. Retaliation means taking any adverse action in a response to a complaint being made.

Complaints of retaliation should be brought directly to a Compliance Officer, Building Principal or the Superintendent of School. Such complaints will be promptly investigated. If retaliation is found, the person retaliating will be subject to corrective action up to and including termination from employment, or in the case of a non-employee, an appropriate remedy up to and including termination of the business relationship.

Because of the damage that can be done to someone falsely accused, any individual who in bad faith knowingly makes a false complaint of sexual harassment or sex discrimination will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination from employment, or in the case of a non-employee, an appropriate remedy up to and including termination of the business relationship.

Because of the damage that can be done to someone falsely accused, any individual who in bad faith knowingly makes a false complaint or report of sexual harassment or sex discrimination will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination in accordance with legal guidelines, District policy, and any applicable bargaining agreement(s).


Any complainant or accused party who wishes to appeal the procedures which the District followed in investigating a written complaint filed under this Policy, may do so within ten (10) days of receipt of the appellant’s notification of the investigation outcome. Untimely submissions shall not receive consideration. Such appeal must be made in writing to the Board of Education by submission to the District Clerk. The appellant shall be entitled to present evidence as to why the investigation procedures were flawed, improper, or otherwise not in compliance with this Policy. The Board’s consideration and review of any such appeal shall be conducted confidentially in executive session. Following a review of that evidence, as well as the information obtained in the investigation process and conclusions derived therefrom, the Board of Education, or its designee, shall render a decision. The Board’s decision shall be final. The appellant shall be notified of the decision in writing.

Nothing set forth in the Appeal Process above shall be construed to in any way confer upon either the complainant(s) or the person(s) accused of violating this Policy any right to appeal the District’s determination as to appropriate disciplinary and/or corrective action to be taken on meritorious complaints. In this regard, the District at all times retains sole discretion to determine the appropriate disciplinary and/or corrective action to be taken with regard to a meritorious complaint.


The District shall maintain a written record of all complaints of sex discrimination and/or sexual harassment for a period of at least six years. The District shall also document the steps taken with regard to investigations, as well as conclusions reached and remedial action taken, if any. The District shall also maintain these documents for, at a minimum, six years.

The District records regarding alleged discrimination shall be maintained separate and apart from personnel records.


Any questions by employees of the District about this Policy or potential discrimination should be brought to the attention of one of the District’s Compliance Officers or the Superintendent of Schools. The names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the District’s Compliance Officers are listed in Section 10 of this Policy.


Name Dr. Dominic Annacone Location Wainscott School

Telephone Number (631) 537-1080


The effective date of this Policy shall be __________________. The Superintendent of School shall ensure that this Policy is adequately disseminated and made available to all employees of the District. This Policy shall be distributed at the beginning of each school year. In addition, copies of this Policy and Complaint Form shall be maintained in the office of each Compliance Officer and in the office of the Wainscott School building.

Upon the effective date of this Policy, the provisions of this Policy shall supersede and replace all prior District policies and regulations regarding employee sex discrimination, sexual harassment, and related complaint procedures.

Medicaid Compliance

  1. The School District prohibits any form of retaliation against, or intimidation of, any employee or agent for filing a bona fide report within the School District under this policy, requesting clarification about applicable laws or regulations, giving notice of non-compliance or wrongdoing regarding matters covered by this policy, assisting or participating in any investigation regarding compliance matters, or filing a report with a governmental agency. Persons who engage in such retaliation shall be subject to discipline.
  2. Reports of non-compliance or wrongdoing regarding matters covered by this policy may be made anonymously, but the School District encourages employees to identify themselves in order to aid in the investigative process. Employees who report suspected problems will be assured that retaliation for making such report is prohibited and that an individual who subjects an employee to such retaliation or intimidation will be subject to discipline under this policy.
  3. If, after investigating any report, the School District determines that the report is not bona fide, or that an employee has provided false information regarding such report, disciplinary action may be taken against the individual who filed the report or gave the false information. However, no employee shall be subject to disciplinary action solely on the basis that he or she mistakenly reported what he or she reasonably believed to be an act of wrongdoing or a violation of law or of the School District’s compliance standards or policies. An employee will be subject to disciplinary action only if it is determined that the report of wrongdoing was knowingly or willfully fabricated by the employee or was knowingly or willfully distorted, exaggerated, or minimized to either injure someone else or to protect himself or herself. An employee “knowingly” provides false information if he or she knows or reasonably should know that the information is false or intentionally or recklessly disregards whether or not the information is false.

Impartial Hearing Officer Appointment

The Board of Trustees will appoint impartial hearing officers (IHO), as needed, to hear complaints regarding the identification, evaluation, or placement of students with disabilities, or the provision of a free, appropriate public education to such a student in accordance with the rotational selection process and other applicable procedures described in the Commissioner’s Regulations.

The updated list of certified IHOs for this county promulgated by the New York State Education Department will be used in connection with requests for impartial hearings. The list shall also include the names of those other certified IHOs whose names appear on the state list and who have indicated to the district their interest in serving as an IHO in the district.
Upon receipt of a request for an impartial hearing, the rotational selection process for the IHO shall be initiated immediately and always within two (2) business days after receipt of such a written request. Should an IHO decline appointment, or if within 24 hours the IHO fails to respond or is unreachable after reasonable efforts by the District Clerk or designee, such efforts will be documented through independently verifiable efforts. The District Clerk or other person so designated, under the direction of the Board President, shall initiate the selection process by contacting the impartial hearing officer whose name first appears after the impartial hearing officer who last served. The District Clerk or designee shall canvass the list in alphabetical order as prescribed by the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education until an appointment is accepted.
An IHO on the district’s rotational list may not accept appointment unless he or she is available to:
1. Make a determination on the sufficiency of the due process complaint that will be heard at the hearing within five days of receiving such a request; and
2. Initiate the hearing within the first 14 days after either:
a. The date on which he or she receives written notice that the parents and the district waived their right to hold a resolution meeting to resolve their differences prior to commencement of the hearing, or met but were unable to reach agreement; or
b. The expiration of the 30-day period beginning with the receipt of the due process complaint, whichever occurs first.

The Board President, or in his or her absence or inability most senior Trustee, will appoint an IHO immediately after the IHO selected from the rotational list indicates he or she is available.
The Board will rescind the appointment of an IHO and appoint a new one if the parties to the hearing mutually agree that the IHO is either incapacitated or otherwise unavailable or unwilling to continue the hearing or issue a decision. The appointment of a new IHO in such an instance will be made in accordance with the selection and appointment procedures established by this policy.

The district shall compensate an impartial hearing officer for his or her services at the maximum rate established for such purpose by the Director of the Division of the Budget. Currently, this rate is $100.00 per hour for pre-hearing, hearing, and post-hearing activities. In addition, impartial hearing officers may be reimbursed for reasonable, actual and necessary expenses for automobile travel, meals and overnight lodging in accordance with the current district reimbursement rate set for district employees. Mailing costs associated with the hearing will also be reimbursed. The district will not reimburse impartial hearing officers for administrative assistance, secretarial or other overhead expenses.

The district shall attempt to provide an Impartial Hearing Officer with two (2) business days’ advance notice of the cancellation or re-scheduling of an impartial hearing. Should the district request the cancellation or re-scheduling of a hearing date an fail to provide an Impartial Hearing Officer within two (2) days’ notice, the district agrees to pay the Impartial Hearing Officer a fee of $100.00. The district shall not be responsible for costs associated with a parent’s or guardian’s cancellation or adjournment of a hearing.

A copy of this policy will be forwarded to the impartial hearing officer at the time of appointment.
Records relating to the IHO process including, but not limited to, the request for initiation and completion of each impartial hearing will be maintained by the district and such information will be reported to the Office of Vocational and Educational Services for Individuals with Disabilities of SED as required by the Commissioner’s Regulations.
Ref: 8 NYCRR §§200.2; 200.5; 200.21

Staff Computer Policy

The Wainscott Board of Trustees affirms the District’s commitment to preparing students for the 21st century and global society. Students need to be technologically literate to become successful, productive citizens and to succeed in an internationally competitive work force.

Educational technology is to be integrated into instruction and management to promote student learning, while enhancing both the teaching process and the operations of the school district. Through the use of such technology, instruction will be delivered so that students and District personnel can access and process information as well as manage and communicate information.

The applicable use of computers and technology will be communicated to all users throughout the District. The use of computers and network will provide for the facilitation of the exchange of information to further communication, education and research. The messages and documents residing within created and/or transmitted on any computer or network may be subject to the District’s review and monitoring. The District administration reserves the right to supervise the use of all computers, network, and to inspect the information and content they contain. A Computer, Network and Internet Use Agreement Authorization Form must be completed by each person requesting access to the district’s computers or networks. Any use without authorization is prohibited.

Use of District computers and network for private or commercial business, political or religious purposes is prohibited. Use of District computers and/or network for illegal activity or to access or transmit obscene or pornographic material is prohibited. Transmitting or storing offensive or objectionable material is prohibited on District computers or network; the District’s determination as to whether the nature of the material is considered offensive or objectionable is to be considered as final. Using programs that harass users or infiltrate a computing system and/or damage the hardware or software components is prohibited.

Any use of District computers that access outside resources must conform to the terms and conditions of the Wainscott Common School District’s Computer, Network and Internet Use Policy. Subscribers to listservs, bulletin boards, and on-line services must be pre-approved by the District.

Acceptable Use
The purpose of the internet and digital technologies are to support research and education in and among academic institutions in the U.S. by providing access to unique resources and the opportunity for collaborative work. The use of your account must be in support of education and research and consistent with the educational objectives of the Wainscott Common School District

Privileges, Rights and Responsibilities
The use of the District’s computer and internet resources is a privilege. It is expected that all individuals utilizing the District’s computers, digital technologies, and network will undertake responsibility for their actions and words and will, furthermore, respect the rights and privileges of all network users. Users need to familiarize themselves with these responsibilities. Failure to adhere to them may result in the loss of network and/or computer privileges, suspension, and possible legal actions.
 Never share your password, account, or log on for anyone. You have full responsibility for the use of your account.
 Do not quote personal communications without the original author’s prior consent.
 Honor all rules of copyright and personal property.
 Use of computers for illegal activities or for commercial gain is prohibited.
 Avoid the spread of spyware computer viruses – you are responsible to take precautions to prevent viruses on the school’s equipment.
 Cyberbullying will not be tolerated.
 Documents and/or mail should be deleted regularly in order to conserve file space.
 There is to be no expectation of privacy with regard to the use of district computers, network, or materials created or contained therein.
 Interpretation, application and modification of this policy is within the sole discretion of the Wainscott Common School District.
 Installation of software is allowed only by the District’s administration, and should not be undertaken by any other user unless authorized by administration.

The District will submit an Authorization Form to all staff, stating the agreement for use of the district’s computer, network and internet resources. The District will have the staff member execute the user agreement, and the District will provide for the promulgation of the guidelines stated in the policy.

Adoption date: July 15, 2013

Purchasing Procedures Regulation

The purchasing of materials, equipment, or supplies shall be governed by the following list of functions:

FUNCTION                                                                               PERFORMED BY

Requisition                                                                                 Initiated by user
Sent to Superintendent for approval


Specifications                                                                            Prepared in detail by requisitioner after
consultation with Superintendent and
made available to prospective contractors or vendors


Bids or quotations                                                                    Checked and tabulated by Purchasing Agent and after                                                                                                                                        review with the requisitioner
Recommendations made to the Board on formal bids


Contract or purchase                                                               Contracts approved by the Board and
order                                                                                            signed by designated Board official or Superintendent of Schools


Receipt of goods                                                                        District Clerk signs bill and approves for payment                                                                                                                                               upon satisfactory delivery of goods and/or services


Invoice                                                                                         Checked for price and quantity by District Clerk


Invoice approved                                                                       Purchasing agent signs voucher and submits to                                                                                                                                                  Business Manager for payment

Purchasing Procedures

Only through the use of efficient purchasing procedures can the school district ensure that needed goods and services are acquired in the most economical manner. The Board of Trustees directs the Superintendent of Schools to develop administrative regulations on how purchasing is to be done in the district.

All purchasing is to be done by the Purchasing Agent on an official voucher or pre-numbered purchase order. Checks are always to be voided manually and retained for audit.

The Purchasing Agent is authorized to issue vouchers and purchase orders without approval of the Board when formal bidding procedures are not required by law and budget appropriations are adequate to cover such obligations.

Ref: Office of the State Comptroller – Financial Management Guide

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