Staff Computer Policy

The Wainscott Board of Trustees affirms the District’s commitment to preparing students for the 21st century and global society. Students need to be technologically literate to become successful, productive citizens and to succeed in an internationally competitive work force.

Educational technology is to be integrated into instruction and management to promote student learning, while enhancing both the teaching process and the operations of the school district. Through the use of such technology, instruction will be delivered so that students and District personnel can access and process information as well as manage and communicate information.

The applicable use of computers and technology will be communicated to all users throughout the District. The use of computers and network will provide for the facilitation of the exchange of information to further communication, education and research. The messages and documents residing within created and/or transmitted on any computer or network may be subject to the District’s review and monitoring. The District administration reserves the right to supervise the use of all computers, network, and to inspect the information and content they contain. A Computer, Network and Internet Use Agreement Authorization Form must be completed by each person requesting access to the district’s computers or networks. Any use without authorization is prohibited.

Use of District computers and network for private or commercial business, political or religious purposes is prohibited. Use of District computers and/or network for illegal activity or to access or transmit obscene or pornographic material is prohibited. Transmitting or storing offensive or objectionable material is prohibited on District computers or network; the District’s determination as to whether the nature of the material is considered offensive or objectionable is to be considered as final. Using programs that harass users or infiltrate a computing system and/or damage the hardware or software components is prohibited.

Any use of District computers that access outside resources must conform to the terms and conditions of the Wainscott Common School District’s Computer, Network and Internet Use Policy. Subscribers to listservs, bulletin boards, and on-line services must be pre-approved by the District.

Acceptable Use
The purpose of the internet and digital technologies are to support research and education in and among academic institutions in the U.S. by providing access to unique resources and the opportunity for collaborative work. The use of your account must be in support of education and research and consistent with the educational objectives of the Wainscott Common School District

Privileges, Rights and Responsibilities
The use of the District’s computer and internet resources is a privilege. It is expected that all individuals utilizing the District’s computers, digital technologies, and network will undertake responsibility for their actions and words and will, furthermore, respect the rights and privileges of all network users. Users need to familiarize themselves with these responsibilities. Failure to adhere to them may result in the loss of network and/or computer privileges, suspension, and possible legal actions.
 Never share your password, account, or log on for anyone. You have full responsibility for the use of your account.
 Do not quote personal communications without the original author’s prior consent.
 Honor all rules of copyright and personal property.
 Use of computers for illegal activities or for commercial gain is prohibited.
 Avoid the spread of spyware computer viruses – you are responsible to take precautions to prevent viruses on the school’s equipment.
 Cyberbullying will not be tolerated.
 Documents and/or mail should be deleted regularly in order to conserve file space.
 There is to be no expectation of privacy with regard to the use of district computers, network, or materials created or contained therein.
 Interpretation, application and modification of this policy is within the sole discretion of the Wainscott Common School District.
 Installation of software is allowed only by the District’s administration, and should not be undertaken by any other user unless authorized by administration.

The District will submit an Authorization Form to all staff, stating the agreement for use of the district’s computer, network and internet resources. The District will have the staff member execute the user agreement, and the District will provide for the promulgation of the guidelines stated in the policy.

Adoption date: July 15, 2013

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