John C, John J.
Month: June 2019
2019 NY State Comptroller Claims Auditing
Click here to read the full report (PDF).
Report Highlights
Audit Objective
Determine whether the Board of Education (Board) adequately audited claims before payment and ensured that each was approved, for appropriate purposes and adequately supported.
Key Findings
We found no evidence that the Board, as a whole, performed a thorough audit of claims that not only ensured that claims were adequately supported, that the correct quantities were received and prices charged and that the goods/services purchased were actual and necessary, but also ensured that the procurements and claims adhered to all District policies and procedures.
Key Recommendations
- Enforce the adopted purchasing policy, procedures and regulation.
- Require the Business Manager/Treasurer to submit claims packets to the Board, together with the warrant.
- Perform a thorough audit of each claim before approving the claims for payment.
District officials disagreed with certain aspects of our findings and recommendations, but indicated they planned
to implement some of our recommendations. Appendix B includes our comments on issues raised in the District’s
response letter.
May 21, 2019 Annual Budget Vote & Board Election – RESULTS
50 Voters
Budget Vote and Election
Wainscott Common School District #2
May 21, 2019 – 2 pm – 8 pm
Proposition 1: Resolved that the Board of Trustees of the Wainscott Common School District,
Wainscott, New York, hereby is authorized to expend sums set forth in their
proposed budget for 2019-2020 in the total amount of $3,324,651.00 and to levy the necessary tax therefor.
___37_____ Yes ___13__ No
74% 26%
Proposition 2: Election of School Trustee to a three-year term:
___40_____ William A. Babinski Jr
___ 8_____ Other ___________
1 Dennis D’Andrea
1 Steven Romm
May 8, 2019 Budget Hearing & Monthly Meeting MINUTES
May 8, 2019
Present: Board President D. Eagan, Trustees W. Babinski Jr and K. Anderson, Superintendent D. Haab, Business Manager C. Schnell, District Clerk M. McCaffrey, Teacher K. Yusko and two (2) members of the press.
- The meeting was called to order at 5:30 pm
- Budget Hearing:
– Pierce tax cap
– 3% salary increase
– No change in student programs
Close Budget Hearing at 5:35 pm
- Financial Report: None
- School Report
- 3rd graders took NYS Math test on May 1st & 2nd
- Hot Dog Lunch with Wainscott Sewing Society was wonderful. Coverage in Independent newspaper.
- Beach cleanup at Town Line Road beach with Sagaponack School. Also covered by newspaper
- Field Trips later in month to WHBPAC and Pollock-Krasner house
- Cookies from class moms for Teacher Appreciation Week very much appreciated.
- Superintendents Report
- Enrollment
- Claims Audit Policy – more details for process
- Corrective Action Plan – rejected request for use of response letter
- Sewing Society Luncheon
- Guidance Plan – May 21st Wainscott will host Boces, New Suffolk and Sagaponack for a collaborative meeting for development of such
- Presented proposed budget to WCAC on May 4th. Went well. Was also able to touch on housing issue.
- May 14th will be last local Safety Meeting of the school year.
- Syntax flyer is ready. Mailing should go out as soon as possible.
- Resolutions
- 1. RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees approves the Minutes of its meeting of April 17, 2019. – Approved
- RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, hereby approves the 2018-2019 Health Service Contract with Southampton UFSD in the amount of $ 2,673.68. – Approved
- RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of the Wainscott Common School District designates East Hampton Union Free School District as one of the receiving school districts, on a nonexclusive basis, for Wainscott resident students in grades 4-12 in accordance with Education Law §2045 and 8 NYCRR 174.4– Approved
- RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees, accepts the Cooperative Bidding Agreement with Eastern Suffolk BOCES as per the attached– Approved
- Public Comment – Press surprised at no public turnout
Next Meeting – June 19, 2019 at 6:30 p.m.
- The Meeting was adjourned at 5:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary M McCaffrey
District Clerk
May 8, 2019 Budget Hearing & Monthly Meeting AGENDA
MAY 8, 2019 – 5:30PM
- Welcome / Salute to the Flag – D. Eagan, President – Board of Trustees
- Budget Hearing
- Financial Report – C. Schnell
- School Report – K. Yusko
- Public Comment – Agenda Items Only
- Superintendents Report – D. Haab
-Enrollment Report
-Claims Audit Policy – draft
-Audit Corrective Action Plan – draft
- Resolutions
- RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees approves the Minutes of its meeting of April 17, 2019.
- RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, hereby approves the 2018-2019 Health Service Contract with Southampton UFSD in the amount of $ 2,673.68.
- RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of the Wainscott Common School District designates East Hampton Union Free School District as one of the receiving school districts, on a nonexclusive basis, for Wainscott resident students in grades 4-12 in accordance with Education Law §2045 and 8 NYCRR 174.4
- RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees, accepts the Cooperative Bidding Agreement with Eastern Suffolk BOCES as per the attached.
- Public Comment
- Executive Session
- Adjourn
April 17, 2019 Board of Trustees Monthly Meeting MINUTES
April 17, 2019 Regular Meeting
Present: Board President D. Eagan, Trustees K. Anderson and W. Babinski, Jr.
Superintendent D. Haab, Business Manager C. Schnell,
Teacher K. Yusko
- The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m.
- Board Minutes of Budget Work Session March 14, 2019 and March 20, 2019 Regular Meeting – Accepted
- Financial Report
Budget Control Report – Filed
Check Warrant – March 2019 – Filed
Audit Trail – March 2019 – Filed
Updated draft of the proposed 2019-2020 was shared and discussed. The proposed budget amount, $3,324,651, is $8,626 less than the 2018-2019 approved budget of $3,333,277. The Board discussed the amount of unassigned fund balance that would be used to offset the tax levy. The amount required to keep the tax levy increase within the district’s tax cap of 2.93% would significantly deplete the District’s remaining unassigned fund balance. It was decided that $400,000 of unassigned fund balance would be applied to the tax levy and the District would seek to override the tax levy limit, which requires a 60% majority approval of the proposed budget.
- School Report (check with Kelly please)
- Public Comment: None
- Superintendent’s Report
Enrollment Report- filed
Finance Manager Software Program proposal
Projected enrollment for 2019-2020
Meeting with Sagaponack, New Suffolk and Eastern Suffolk BOCES on required Guidance Plan
Conference Call with Auditors, 3/21
- Resolutions
- Resolved, that the Board of Trustees approves the minutes of its Budget Work Session (March 14, 2019) and Regular Meeting held on March 20, 2019 –Approved
- Resolved, that the Board of Trustees approves the Check Warrant March 2019. Approved
- Resolved, that the Board of Trustees acknowledges receipt of the Audit Trail March 2019. Approved
- Resolved that the Board of Trustees appoint Mary McCaffrey as the chairperson and poll clerk and Johari Banker, Abigail Fleming, Patrick McCaffrey and Nancy McCaffrey as volunteer inspectors and Rossana Solares as translator of the District’s Board of Trustees Election and Budget Vote to be held on May 21, 2019 from 2:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. Ms Solares will be paid at a rate of a dollar amount per hour to be determined by the Superintendent.
- Resolved, that the Board of Trustees approves the budget for the 2019-2020 school year in the amount of $3,324,651.00
- Resolved that the Board of Trustees, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approves the Services of the Institute for Children with Autisim for the 2018-2019 school year at the rate of $150.00 per hour. Approved
- Public Comment – Dennis D’Andrea shared minutes from the May 3, 1919 Wainscott Common School District’s Annual School Meeting.
- The Regular Meeting was adjourned at 6:46 p.m. to enter an Executive Session
- The Executive Session was adjourned at 7:06 p.m.
- The Regular Meeting was adjourned at 7:06 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Deborah A. Haab
Clerk Pro Tempore
April 17, 2019 Board of Trustees Monthly Meeting AGENDA
April 17, 2019 – 5:30pm
- Welcome / Pledge of Allegiance – David Eagan, President
- Acceptance of Board Minutes – Budget Work Session (March 14, 2019) and Regular Meeting (March 20, 2019)
- Financial Report – Mrs. C Schnell, Business Manager
- School Report – Kelly Yusko, Teacher K-1
- Public Comments – Agenda Items Only
- Discussion Items
– Enrollment Report
- Superintendent’s Report – Mrs. D. Haab
- 2019-2020 Budget
- Resolutions
- RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees approves the minutes of its Budget Work Session (March 14, 2019) and Regular Meeting held on March 20, 2019.
- RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees approves the Check Warrant March 2019
- RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees, acknowledges receipt of the Audit Trail March 2019
- RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees appoint Mary McCaffrey as the chairperson and poll clerk and Johari Banker, Abigail Fleming, Patrick McCaffrey and Nancy McCaffrey as volunteer inspectors and Rossana Solares as translator of the District’s Board of Trustees Election and Budget Vote to be held on May 21, 2019 from 2:00 pm – 8:00 pm. Ms. Solares will be paid at a rate of $ ________/hour.
- RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees approves the budget for the 2019-2020 school year in the amount of $________________________ .
- Public Comments
- Executive Session
- Adjournment
March 20, 2019 Board of Trustees Monthly Meeting MINUTES
March 20, 2019
Present: Board President D. Eagan, Trustees K. Anderson and W. Babinski Jr, Superintendent D. Haab, Business Manager C. Schnell, District Clerk M. McCaffrey,
teacher K. Yusko
- The meeting was called to order at 5:35 pm
- Board Minutes of February 28, 2019 Regular Meeting – Accepted
- Financial Report
- Budget Control Report – Filed
- Check Warrant – February 2019 – Filed
- Audit Trail – February 2019 – Filed
- Fine tuning budget to stay within tax cap. Parentally placed students at Ross having a large impact on budgeting.
- School Report
- EH Town Supervisor Van Scoyoc visited. Had a Q&A session with the students.
- Visited Long Island Science center in Riverhead. Made slime and ice cream.
- Attended AIMSWeb Benchmarking Workshop
- Paticks Day – read about leprechauns and used STEM skills to build traps – leprechauns were not caught!
- Second Trimester will end March 22, 2019. Report Cards will be posted to the Parent Portal March 29th.
- Public Comments: None
- Superintendent’s Report
- Enrollment Report – filed
- ES BOCES proposed budget – Wainscott will participate in vote
- Recent Cluster Meeting with representation from Sherriff’s office centered on RAVE button and its possible implementation with school districts
- New requirement for all districts – Guidance Plan. Will insure access to a counselor. Meeting with BOCES rep, Sagaponack and New Suffolk to discuss the possibility of a shared service
- Conference call with Auditors scheduled for tomorrow, 3/21
- Meeting with BOCES 3/28 – Finance Manager or WINCAP – financial software. Either would provide more real time information for the District.
- Tonight is third and last in series of Parenting Workshop provided. Well attended. Scheduled to offer same program in Spanish in May.
- Upcoming Annual Vote – information materials to be offered bilingually and posted to our website
- Playground playhouse in need of repair
- Resolutions
- RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees approves the minutes of its regular meeting held on February 28, 2019 – Approved
- RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees approves the Check Warrant February 2019– Approved
- RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees, acknowledges receipt of the Audit Trail February 2019– Approved
- RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees approves the publication of the 2019 Notice of Public Hearing, Budget Vote and Election of the Wainscott Common School District. – Approved
- RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the appointment of Meredith McArdle as Resource Room Teacher to assist a student attending the Ross School for the 2018-2019 school year at a rate of $105 per hour – Approved
- Public Comment – None
- The Regular Meeting was adjourned at 6:30 p.m. to enter an Executive Session
- The Executive Session was adjourned at 7:10 p.m.
- The Regular Meeting was adjourned at 7:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary M. McCaffrey
District Clerk