June 16th – Water Day
Wainscott School
June 14th – Atlantis Aquarium Visit
June 14th – Atlantis Aquarium Visit
June 9th – School Play 1:00pm
June 9th – School Play 1:00pm
Memorial Day Monday May 29th – No School
School will not be in session on Friday May 26th and Tuesday May 30 due to unused snow days.
July 15, 2020 Monthly Board Meeting MINUTES
July 15, 2020
Present: Board President D. Eagan, Kelly Anderson, W. Babinski Jr, Business Manager Christine Schnell (via conference call)
I. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm
II. Election of Officers: David Egan was Nominated by Kelly Anderson and second by William Babinski and approved as our President of the Board of Trustees for 2020-2021.
III. Appointment of Officers: District Clerk and District Treasurer
A. District Clerk: “Be it Resolved, Norma J. Bushman is hereby appointed District Clerk effective August 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021 at a salary of $54,000, prorated.” Motioned by David Egan and second by William Babinski and was approved and passed.
B. District Treasurer: “Be it Resolved, Christine Schnell is hereby appointed District Treasurer and Deputy District Clerk effective July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021.” Motioned by William Babinski and second by Kelly Anderson and was approved and passed.
IV. Oath of Office : Newly elected Trustee was administered The Oath of Office will be administered by Superintendent Deborah Haab at our August 19th Board meeting.
V. Other Appointments: A through O were approved and passed as a block. Motioned by William Babinski and Second by Kelly Anderson.
A. School Attorneys: “Be it Resolved, Thomas M. Volz, PLLC of Smithtown shall serve as general counsel for the 2020-2021 school year at an hourly rate of $235 for attorney services and an hourly rate of $115 for paralegal services.”
B. Insurance Representative: “Be it Resolved, the New York Schools Insurance Reciprocal shall serve as the District’s insurance representative from 7/01/2020-6/30/2021.”
C. Purchasing Agent: “Be it Resolved, the Superintendent of Schools shall serve as Purchasing Agent and the District Clerk shall serve as Assistant Purchasing Agent from 7/01/2020-6/30/2021.”
D. Records Management Officer: “Be it Resolved, the District Clerk shall serve as Records Management Officer from 7/01/2020-6/30/2021.”
E. Records Access Officer: “Be it Resolved, the District Clerk shall serve as Records Access Officer from 7/01/2020-6/30/2021.”
F. Business Manager: “Be it Resolved, Christine Schnell is hereby appointed Business Manager from 7/01/2020 through 6/30/2021 at a salary of $31,889.”
G. Superintendent of Schools of Schools: “Be it Resolved, Deborah Haab is hereby appointed Superintendent of Schools of Schools from 7/01/2020 through 6/30/2021 at a salary of $54,742.”
H. Director of Special Education: Be it Resolved, Mary Johnson is hereby appointed Director of Special Education from 7/01/2020 through 6/30/2021 at a salary of $42,518.”
I. Medical Officer: “Be it Resolved, Gail Schonfeld, M.D. is hereby designated the District’s Chief School Physician for the 2020-2021 school year.”
J. Attendance Officer and Census Enumerator: “Be it Resolved, the District Clerk is hereby designated School Attendance Officer and Census Enumerator for the 2020-2021 school year.”
K. District Clerk Pro-Tem: “Be it Resolved, the Superintendent of Schools is hereby appointed District Clerk Pro-Tem in the absence of the District Clerk; should the Superintendent of Schools not be present, then the Board of Trustees President shall serve as District Clerk Pro-Tem.”
L. Asbestos LEA Designee: “Be it Resolved, the Superintendent of Schools is hereby designated Asbestos LEA Designee for the 2020-2021 school year.”
M. Homeless Education Liaison: “Be it Resolved, the Superintendent of Schools is hereby designated as Homeless Education Liaison for the 2020-2021 school year.”
N. PL 874 Representative: “Be it Resolved, Eastern Suffolk BOCES will serve as PL 874 Representative for Wainscott Common School District for the 2020-2021 school year.”
O. Residency: “Be it Resolved, that the Board of Trustees appoints the Superintendent of Schools, as its representative to make student residency determinations.”
VI. Designations: A through C were approved and passed as a block. Motioned by William Babinski and Second by Kelly Anderson.
A. Official Bank Depository: “Be it Resolved, the Bridgehampton National Bank shall be the District’s Official Bank Depository from 7/01/2020 through 6/30/2021.”
B. Regular Monthly Meetings: “Be it Resolved, the Regular Monthly Meeting of the Wainscott Board of Trustees shall be held the third Wednesday of each month at the Wainscott Schoolhouse (new building). The meetings will convene at 6:30 p.m. on the following dates:
– August 19, 2020
– September 16, 2020
– October 21, 2020
– November 18, 2020
– December 16, 2020
– January 20, 2021
– February 24, 2021 (Changed due to Winter Break)
– March 17, 2021
– April 21, 2021
– May 5, 2021 (Public Hearing on Budget)
– May 18, 2021 (School Budget Vote and Annual Election)
– June 16, 2021
C. Official Newspaper: “Be it Resolved, the East Hampton Star is hereby designated Official Newspaper from 7/01/2020 through 6/30/2021.”
VII: Authorizations: A through C were approved and passed as a block. Motioned by William Babinski and Second by Kelly Anderson.
A. Attendance at Conferences: “Be it Resolved, the Superintendent of Schools shall authorize all school personnel requests for attendance at conferences for the 2020-2021 school year.”
B. Petty Cash Funds: “Be it Resolved, a petty cash fund in the amount of $200 is hereby established for the 2020-2021 school year.”
C. Check Signers: “Be it Resolved, all school checks will have two signatures, one of the District Treasurer and one of a member of the Board of Trustees.”
VIII. Bonding of School District Officials and Deductible Liability Costs: A and B were approved and passed as a block. Motioned by William Babinski and Second by Kelly Anderson.
A. “Be it Resolved, all officers and officials including Trustees of the Wainscott School District shall be bonded in New York State Insurance Reciprocal’s recommended designated amounts from 7/01/2020 through 6/30/2021.”
B. “Be it Resolved, in the event of any liability incurred by the District, the cost of the liability deductible amounts shall be assumed by the District.”
IX. Other Items: A through G and were approved and passed as a block. Motioned by William Babinski and Second by Kelly Anderson.
A. Mileage Reimbursements: “Be it Resolved, the mileage reimbursement for authorized District travel shall be at the current IRS rate.” (currently $.575/mi.)
B. Approval of Payroll Dates: “Be it Resolved, all part-time personnel shall submit monthly vouchers to be approved by the Superintendent of Schools for payment. Salary payments to all part-time personnel shall be one time per month. Full time staff, except for teachers, shall receive salary payments biweekly. Full-time teaching staff shall receive salary payments in 26 installments biweekly, with a lump-sum payment issued at the conclusion of the school year in June 2021.”
C. Spokesperson for the Board of Trustees: “Be it Resolved, the President is hereby designated as official Spokesperson for the Wainscott Board of Trustees from 7/01/2020 through 6/30/2021.”
D. Annual District Voting Procedure: “Be it Resolved, the Annual District Meeting and Vote shall be held on the date established by New York State law, May 18, 2021, with the voting to be held at the Wainscott School. The vote will be conducted by paper ballot.”
E. Impartial Hearing Officer: “Be it Resolved, the Board of Trustees appoints the rotating system of Impartial Hearing Officers by County set by the New York State Education Department for the 2020/2021 school year, with a fee set by the State of New York (presently $100 per hour) and authorizes the Superintendent of Schools, or in his/her absence or inability the President of the Board of Trustees to appoint each Hearing Officer in order to meet VESID appointing timeline.”
F. Be it Resolved, that the Board of Trustees authorizes the Superintendent of Schools to approve budget transfers of up to $5000 between line item accounts; any line item transfers in excess of $5000 will be brought to the Board for its approval at its next scheduled regular meeting.”
G. 403b Plan Document: Be it Resolved, that the Board of Trustees, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the 403b Plan Services Agreement Reinstatement 2020-2021 with Omni in the amount of $100 for continuation of administrative services.
X. Special Education Services: was approved and passed. Motioned by William Babinski and Second by Kelly Anderson.
A. Resolved, that the Board of Trustees, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and Director of Special Education, approve the rate sheets for the following special education service providers for the 2020-2021 school year:
– Comprehensive Therapy Services
– Out East Therapy of New York
– Sinead Fitzgibbon, Physical Therapist
– Shirley A. Ruch, MA, CCC-Sp
– Sharyn Lawall, Psy. D. ABSNP
– Lauren Sebor, Psy.
– Steven M. Kaufman, Ph. D.
– Achieve Beyond
– Elise Duryea, MA, CCC-Sp
– Aimee Geehreng, LCSW
– Nancy Hallock, M.S.
– Everlette Taylor
Appointment of Committees: 1 through 5 were approved and passed as a block. Motioned by William Babinski and Second by Kelly Anderson.
1. CPSE Committee: “Be it Resolved, the following are appointed as members of the Committee on Preschool Special Education:
1) CPSE Chairperson, Mary Johnsen
2) School Psychologist
3) Additional Parent Member/Rep-
4) Regular Education Teacher- meeting specific; can be any regular education teacher from any agency, day care, or special education program that the child attends (e.g. Alternatives For Children, East End Kids, Side By Side, The Country School)
5) Special Education Teacher- meeting specific; again, any special education teacher as stated in #4
6) Agency Representative- usually a psychologist (e.g. Stephen Sicilian of East End Kids) who represents the agency providers- may represent a speech and language therapist, OT, PT, etc. from the agency the child receives services.
2. CSE Committee: “Be it Resolved, the following are appointed as members of the Committee on Special Education:”
1) CSE Chairperson, Mary Johnsen
2) School Psychologist
3) Additional Parent Member/Rep-
4) Regular Education Teacher- meeting specific- Kelly Yusko
5) Special Education Teacher- meeting specific-
6) Speech and Language Therapist- Elise Duryea
7) Occupational Therapist- Molly Piekut (consultant)
8) Physical Therapist- (Out East Therapy Consultant)
9) Another District Representative- if it is a case of transitioning a student
3. Section 504 Committee: “Be it Resolved, the following are appointed as members of the Section 504 Committee:
1) Director of Special Education, Mary Johnsen
2) Teacher(s) familiar with the student being discussed
3) School Nurse, Maria DiScipio
4) Representative to interpret student data, as needed
5) Anyone else who has information relevant to the case
4. Site Based Management Team: “Be it Resolved, the following individuals are appointed to serve as members of the Wainscott School District Site Based Management Team: Deborah Haab, Kelly Yusko and parent members yet to be determined.”
5. Health and Safety Committee: “Be it Resolved, the following are appointed as members of the Wainscott School District Health and Safety Committee: Superintendent of Schools Deborah Haab, District Clerk Norma Buschman, teacher Kelly Yusko, School Nurse Maria DiScipio, and East Hampton Town Police Officer Kim Notel.”
XI. Policies: Approved and passed. Motioned by William Babinski and Second by Kelly Anderson.
A. Resolved, that the Board of Trustees, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, re-approves all district policies that were in effect during the 2019-2020 school year.
XIV. to adjourn the Re-organizational Meeting: Approved and passed. Motioned by William Babinski and Second by Kelly Anderson.
July 15, 2020
Present: Board President D. Eagan, Kelly Anderson, W. Babinski Jr, Business Manager Christine Schnell (via conference call)
l. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm
ll. Financial Report, June 2020 Bank Statements and Treasurer’s Report presented by Mrs. Christine Schnell, Business Manager Approved.
lll. Public Comments-Agenda Items Only- None
lV. Discussion Items-School Opening Plans-
- organizing grade level students into cohort groups.
- Need teacher’s aide.
- Cleaning crews to disinfect also old building overnight.
- Classroom using separate entrances and exits.
- Temperature checks Norma and Deborah,Temp taken before bus?
- Increase nurses hours/days temperature checker?
- Specials how do we include in planning- can kids be together.
- What will our day look like –shorter, half day, remote learning, ELL extra learning time in the afternoon aftercare,
- Buses one big vs one little
- Student survey
- Additional meetings for parents and board.
VI. Correspondence & Information – Library keeping same budget as last year.
VII. Resolutions: 1 and two were passed and approved. Motioned by William Babinski and Second by Kelly Anderson
1. RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees approves the minutes of its Regular Meeting held on February 26, 2020 Approved
2. RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees approves the Check Warrants – February, 2020 Approved
3. RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees, acknowledges receipt of the Audit Trail February, 2020 Approved
VIII. Public Comments- None
IX. Executive Session-Special meeting to discuss re-opening plan.
X. Adjournment
2020-2021 Proposed Budget
Dear Wainscott School District Taxpayer:
Your Board of Trustees is proposing a budget for 2020-2021 of $3,704,331, representing an $379,680 or an 11.42 % increase from last year’s budget. The Board is also proposing an 12.71 % increase in our lax levy and a corresponding increase in our tax rate from $9.15 to $10.24 per thousand assessed valuation in Southampton and $163.32 to $182.78 per thousand assessed valuation in East Hampton. The proposed 12.71% ($338,680) increase in our tax levy will pierce the District’s 3.67 % effective statutory Tax Cap by 9.04%. This year’s proposed increased tax levy is 5.79% ($77,694) less than last year’s 18.5% ($416,374) increase approved by our Taxpayers.
The Board fully recognizes the magnitude of the proposed increase and asks that you consider the following facts and circumstances that support it.
Unlike larger neighboring Districts, Wainscott must fund our budget almost entirely through our tax levy since we do not receive any meaningful state aid. Importantly, the Board believes that the proposed tax levy increase for 2020-2021 will be the last necessary Tax Cap piecing absent any additional dramatic increases in our District’s student population. If approved, the amount of our tax levy will for the first time in many years substantially equal our expenditure budget. In addition, the District will no longer be overly reliant upon unrestricted fund balance. Our prior reliance on those funds was not sustainable and has been repeatedly challenged by the New York State Comptroller as being in violation of law. Wainscott’s school tax rate will remain the lowest of the East End Schools by a wide margin even after giving effect to last year’s and this year’s proposed significant tax levy increases.
Last year and this year are “catch up years” for the District’s tax levy. The proposed tax levy increase results from the following two trends.
Firstly, the dramatic and unanticipated 236% increase in the number of students residing in our district, particularly during 2018-2019 and 2019-2020, which had two significant impacts on our unique District. It increased our student population in the Schoolhouse to as high as 30 students which represents 125% of our Schoolhouse’s capacity. It has also significantly increased our tuition costs (by far the largest line item in our annual budget) for our students tuitioned out to East Hampton or Sag Harbor Schools (pre-K; 4-12). The Board believes that our current student population is close to the maximum that could be generated by our Hamlet’s existing housing units. Given that fact, the Board believes budget increases in the foreseeable future should be within the District’s effective statutory Tax Caps, unless the Town takes action to substantially increase the District’s number of housing units.
Secondly, the reduction in the District’s unrestricted fund balance closer to legally mandated maximums. Over the last eight years the District has “right sized” its budget by reducing total expenditures in eight of the last nine years while expanding and increasing our program and student services in response to the changing needs of our students attending our highly acclaimed K-3 educational program in our Schoolhouse. During that period, we have also reduced our unrestricted fund balance by $2,650,000 by giving it back to our taxpayers through reduced tax levies in seven of the past eight years. Going forward, our unrestricted fund balance will be substantially lower and much closer to recommended limits.
Like all aspects of our lives, the District has been heavily impacted by the Covid 19 Pandemic. The Board is very proud and thankful to our entire staff for their dedication and professionalism in response to the Pandemic. Their thoughtful pivot to offsite instruction and support for our students and their families has been both impactful and inspiring. Our planning for next year includes the very real possibility that our Schoolhouse will not be fully operational. The District asks for and needs your continued support as it adapts to the new reality that we, our students and our students’ families are facing.
In the meantime, the Trustees invite you to participate in the budget vote and the District Election to be held on June 9, 2020. There will be no in person voting this year. The Governor has ordered that all voting be done through absentee ballots which are being mailed to each District Taxpayer. All completed absentee ballots must be mailed and received by the District on or before 5:00 pm on June 9, 2020 in order to be counted in this year’s election. Your support is particularly needed this year since a sixty percent (60%) super majority vote is needed to pass the proposed 2020-2021 budget as it exceeds our effective statutory Tax Cap.
As always, your Board of Trustees thanks you for your continued support and understanding.
Sincerely yours,
David E. Eagan, President
Kelly Anderson
William A. Babinski, Jr
Click here to download PDF with complete letter from the Board and budget details
2019 NY State Comptroller Claims Auditing
Click here to read the full report (PDF).
Report Highlights
Audit Objective
Determine whether the Board of Education (Board) adequately audited claims before payment and ensured that each was approved, for appropriate purposes and adequately supported.
Key Findings
We found no evidence that the Board, as a whole, performed a thorough audit of claims that not only ensured that claims were adequately supported, that the correct quantities were received and prices charged and that the goods/services purchased were actual and necessary, but also ensured that the procurements and claims adhered to all District policies and procedures.
Key Recommendations
- Enforce the adopted purchasing policy, procedures and regulation.
- Require the Business Manager/Treasurer to submit claims packets to the Board, together with the warrant.
- Perform a thorough audit of each claim before approving the claims for payment.
District officials disagreed with certain aspects of our findings and recommendations, but indicated they planned
to implement some of our recommendations. Appendix B includes our comments on issues raised in the District’s
response letter.
Response to Intervention Plan (RTI)
The Wainscott Common School District, in response to Part 100 of the Commissioner of Education Regulations, devised and implemented a district wide program to provide Response To Intervention for for students in grades K through 3, who score below the designated performance level on state assessments. and/or who are not performing on track to graduate from high school college or career ready. The district plan was initially implemented in September 2011, and is revised bi-annually to reflect current goals and student needs.
School Safety Plan
Emergencies and violent incidents in school districts are critical issues that must be addressed in an expeditious and effective manner. Districts are required to develop a District Wide School Safety Plan designed to prevent or minimize the effects of serious violent incidents and emergencies and to facilitate the coordination of the district with local and county resources in the event of such incidents or emergencies. The district wide plan is responsive to the needs of the Wainscott Common School District and is consistent with the more detailed Building Emergency Response plan required at the school building level. Districts are at risk of a wide variety of acts of violence, natural, and technological disasters. To address these threats, the State of New York has enacted the Safe Schools Against Violence in Education (SAVE) law. This component of Project SAVE is a comprehensive planning effort that addresses risk reduction/prevention, response, and recovery with respect to a variety of emergencies in the school district.
School safety is the job of the entire school community. This effort requires leadership and coordination by school administration, and involvement and participation from all sectors of the school community. Planning, conducting drills and participating in exercises with law enforcement, fire, emergency officials and other members of the school community ensures a comprehensive, unified approach to the Building Emergency Response Plan. Building relationships and community engagement are vital to building a safer school community.
The Wainscott Common School District supports SAVE Legislation, and has engaged in a planning process. The Superintendent of Schools/Building Principal encourages and advocates for ongoing district wide cooperation and support of Project SAVE.
CLICK HERE to download the District_Safety_Plan_2018-19 (PDF)