The District is in the process of updating its registration page. For more information, please see “Know Your Rights” Guidance available at the New York State Department of Education website. The District will consider all forms of proof of residency and age listed in the “Know Your Rights” Guidance.
If you have any questions about what are acceptable proofs of residency and age as the school updates its registration page, please contact the District Registrar.
Dear Parents:
Welcome to the Wainscott Common School District. Please download the forms
necessary for the enrollment of your child/children into the Wainscott School.
Please fill out the forms and return them to Wainscott School as soon as
The following documents are necessary to register your child(ren):
Proof of your child(ren’s) identity and age – Not limited to the following:
- Certified Birth Certificate
- Passport
If these documents are not available, the District will consider other documentary or recorded evidence in existence for at least two (2) years to determine a child’s age. Other evidence may include, but not be limited to, the following:
- Official driver’s license;
- State or other government-issued identification;
- School photo identification with date of birth;
- Consulate identification record;
- Hospital or health records;
- Military dependent identification card;
- Documents issued by Federal, State, or local agencies (e.g., local social service agency, Federal Office of Refugee Resettlement);
- Court orders or other court-issued documents;
- Native American tribal document; or
- Records from non-profit international aid agencies and voluntary agencies.
If the above documents originate from a foreign country, the District may
request verification from the appropriate foreign government or agency, but that
will not be your responsibility. It will not delay enrollment.
New York State Law requires proof of the following immunizations:
- 3 or more doses of Diphtheria toxoid;
- 3 or more doses of Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV) or 4 or more doses of Inactive Polio Vaccine(IPV);
- 2 or more doses of MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella). The 1st dose must be given after the child is one year of age, and the 2nd before age 7;
- Hepatitis B series for all children born on or after January 1, 1993 and all children entering the 7th grade on or after September 1, 2000, and
- 2 doses of varicella (chicken pox) vaccine
Proof of Residence:
According to New York State Education Law, to attend the schools of the District you must reside at an address within the District’s geographical boundaries. Residency in this context means domicile and requires both physical presence as an inhabitant and the intention to reside within the District. As such, the District requires the submission of documentation and/or information that establishes the physical presence of you, as the parent or guardian, and your child/children.
You must show one of the following:
- East Hampton Town Tax Bill;
- Certified Deed of Ownership to the real property, or
- Lease to real property fully executed by the tenant and landlord (Lease renewals must be provided to Wainscott School to ensure continued residency).
If you cannot provide any of the above documents, you can establish residency by
providing items from the list below:
- Owner/Landlord Affidavit or the Owner/Landlord Statement;
- Any other statement by a third-party establishing the parent(s) or person(s) in parental relation’s physical presence in the School District;
- Pay stub
- Income tax form(s)
- Utility bill or other bills (e.g., power company, cable, National Grid, etc.)
- Membership documents that are based upon residency (e.g., library cards)
- Voter registration document(s)
- Official driver’s license, learner’s permit or non-driver identification
- Documents issued by federal, state or local agencies (for instance, local social services agency, federal Office of Refugee Resettlement)
- Evidence of custody of the child/children, including, but not limited to judicial custody orders or guardianship papers
Proof of custody (Divorce or Separation) or Guardianship:
- Court issued legal guardianship papers
- Court order granting custody
- Court appointment as foster parent
- Parental Affidavit provided by the person in parental relationship assuming
legal responsibility for the student - Documents issued by Federal, State or local agencies (e.g., local social
service agency, Federal Office of Refugee Resettlement)
If there are any questions, please feel free to call or click here to contact us
The Wainscott Common School District and its community are committed to the belief that all children have the right and should be provided the opportunity to achieve excellence in educational pursuits. The role of the District is to educate students in the values, critical skills, and essential knowledge necessary to be informed and responsible citizens, prepared to take the next steps in their education, careers, and lives in our diverse society.
When School is closed due to inclement weather, bad road conditions or other emergencies, that information will be available in the following locations:
Radio Station: WLNG 92.1 FM / 1600AM
Television Station: News 12 &
We will NOT be phoning each family!
General Information
School hours are from 8:00 a.m. until 2:40 p.m. each day. Students should not arrive earlier than 7:55 a.m. unless they are participating in a supervised activity. Students who arrive after 8:05 a.m . must check in at the school office and will be marked “late”.
An important part of being successful in school is regular and punctual attendance. All students are expected to be in attendance each day unless they are ill or a family emergency arises. We realize that there will be times when a student may be late, but please avoid this whenever possible. Tardiness interrupts your child’s and their classmates’ instructional time. Your child may miss important information about the day or upcoming events.
Please notify the school as soon as possible when your child will be absent. A note confirming your child’s absence must accompany your child upon his/ her return to school. Please state the reason and date(s) of absence(s). These notes remain on file in the office and are required by New York State Law.
All students who leave before the end of the regular school day must be signed out with school personnel by a parent or guardian.
All students are to bring their drinks, snack and lunch to school every day, unless otherwise notified. Healthy snacks are encouraged.
Friday is “Pizza Day”. The District will provide one slice of pizza per student. The students must still bring a snack and drink to school. If they do not wish to eat pizza, they must bring a lunch as well.
The Wainscott School recognizes the physical, mental, social, behavioral and academic benefits of outdoor recess. Therefore, Wainscott School students are given the opportunity to play outside whenever possible. Children should come to school appropriately dressed for outside play, year round.
Students may not give themselves their own medication. Parents will be required to administer their child’s medications or may give written permission to a school employee to administer it.
Report cards are issued three times during the academic year: December, March and June. Parent Teacher Conferences are held twice a year. Additional conferences may be scheduled if needed.
Homework is assigned by the teacher and is completed after school. It should be a review of what was already taught in school and expand on a student’s school experience. Homework is considered an important part of education. Students are encouraged to set aside regular time to complete their homework. Completing and returning homework assignments are the student’s responsibility.
The Wainscott Common School District provides bus transportation to students attending Wainscott School. Riding the bus is a privilege and may be taken away if the student does not follow the rules and regulations. In such cases that a student is removed from a bus, parents will be required to transport their child for the designated time frame.
Students must use only their bus and bus stop that has been assigned for them. They are expected to practice orderly and safe behaviors while waiting for the bus. The following rules are to be followed when riding on a school bus:
- Remain in their seat, facing front, when the bus is in motion
- WEAR SEATBELTS at all times
- Talk quietly and make no unnecessary noise
- Keep their head, arms, and personal belongings inside the bus
- Keep the aisle clear
- Wait for the driver’s signal before crossing the street. Cross at least ten feet in front of the bus
- Do not eat or drink on the bus on routine am and pm bus routes
- Do not bully, harass, argue, or engage in any rough housing behavior with any other student on a bus
- Do not be disrespectful to the bus driver
The Wainscott Common School District provides the students with computers to use during the school day. The computers have access to the Internet and may be used to enhance learning. Using the computers and the Internet is a privilege and each student must have permission from their parent or guardian before he/ she can use the computers at school. The parents of all students are required to sign a form stating that he/she has read the Acceptable Use Policy and agrees to follow its rules.
Visitors of the Wainscott School must enter the building through the main door and sign in with school personnel.
During the school year, the Superintendent may have to cancel classes before school or prior to the scheduled dismissal time because of weather conditions or other unforeseen reasons. If weather conditions or other factors force the closing of school, we will post the updates on our website and the following will carry the announcement:
Radio: WLNG – 92.1 FM
Television: Channel 12 – News
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